Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012...My 22nd Birthday

I know I said my next post would be a continue of my last post, but being its my birthday today I figured I would do a birthday post.

I was born 22 years ago at 10:15pm. I was 7lbs 10ozs. In an adorable coincidence I was born at the same hospital I had the privileged of having my son at. :D

This is the first birthday I have been able to have at home in 2 years. 
I spent the first in NY while I was attending bible college. My now husband, at the time boyfriend, took me to a nice quite lunch at the Broadway Cafe on the campus. He got me a cute yellow shirt, that I wore whenever possible :), and a blue Snuggie, I had let it slip that I had wanted one for sometime. 
The second was my 21st. Ahhh lol such an interesting night. I was living in Great Falls Montana, working for Kranz Florists. I had amazing co-workers... even though I had a donkey for a boss...ah-hem... My manager, Jenica Yokum now the Godmother of my son, told me that even though we all had to work the next day we NEEDED to celebrate. So Jenica, my husband Andrew, our delivery driver Ryan, and I went out to 3 bars in one night. Mind you I'm not a drinker...well I'm not one to hold alcohol well. The next day we all had to be at work between 7am and 10am, by than we were all at work. The next few hours were well...lets just say I regretted the nigh before hahahah. I have never had such a hard time designing, or tolerating people in my life.
This birthday was my first birthday as a Wife and a Mother. Today I saw the true meaning of the word blessing. My son had a rather cranky morning which kinda set a dark tone to the day. Yesterday morning I got a perm that well... didn't turn out like I wanted. So this morning I went into a slight breakdown. Luckily I had my first blessing this morning. My husband was there to help me tame the unruly napped hair. Now I love it!!!! My second blessing came when I was able to see my son smile for the first time. Unfortunentally I couldn't get a pic it was over to soon :( My last blessing came in the form of my Parents. They took Jeshual for a couple hours so we could go to a planned dinner by Andrew. He took me to my new favorite place, BUFFALO WILD WINGS!!!!! Yumm!!!! 
Overall I had an amazing day, No matter how rough it started. The events of the rest of the day made everything totally worth it!!!! 
Probably my favorite moment of the day. Andrew, Jeshual, and I were waiting in the parking lot of my mothers work for her to get off so we could leave monkey with her. For some reason he was just Extremely unhappy. Didn't want a bottle, didn't need a diaper change, wasn't too warm, wasn't too cold, and than didn't want daddy. All he needed was Mommy. He laid in my arms and fussed at first until i reached to hold his Suckie in his mouth and he grabbed my hand. My Son Hugged Me For The First Time!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you liked my blog please take the time to read some other blogs by some of my close friends. You will always find something encouraging and uplifting in all of their blogs.

O an Thanks for all your Birthday wishes. They were another giant blessing and day brightener for me today!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oh Ya...The Birth!!!

Wow, almost 2 months have gone by since the birth of my little angel Jeshual Sorren Mitzel. I now realize that I have been slacking in my blogging which is weird because I have been complaining about having nothing to do...reality I have tons I can do. Well lets share the story.

Jeshual was born at the Community Medical Center in Missoula Montana on February 21, 2012. He weighed a whopping  4lbs 5ozs at birth and was 17inches long. He was 4 weeks exactly early. I started to develop Toxemia (or Preclampsia) with the High blood pressure of 160/100 they decided that it was time for the little one to come out. I walked into Community at 7:30am on the 21st. By 8:45 they had started the IV and started the induction of my labor. The next few hours were SOOOO SLOW!!!! At noon Dr. Craig McCoy (My OBGYN from week 14) came in and broke my water. After a bit I started to feel contractions. I had an amazing visit from my Pastor, my Parents, and some very close friends (  ;) You know who you are!). 

At about 2:45pm the contractions became more than I could deal with. I called for my nurse who than called for my anesthesiologist. My Fears were about to become a reality.....I was getting a giant needle in my back!!! After a few injections of the local anesthetic and fighting contractions the gentleman performing the epidural realized that it was when I was contracting that I couldn't feel the poking on my back. With this new found information he waited for my next contraction and fiddled around behind me pretending to work ;) because when the next contraction came, I told him it was there he said ok i will wait and with a few pokes to my back he treated the cathader into my back. I finally stopped contracting and told him it was ok for him to proceed with his work. Andrew (My Husband) looked at me and told me "Its ok, its all over". The gentleman than took to bandaging everything up.

Random mommy Point....Had to stop to put a Suckie in twice now :D I have been working on this up to here for 30 min lol... I love my Son <3 Taking a baby break. Be back in 5 :) 

Ok a bottle was needed and so was a change of pukey clothes. Now its time to blog one handed.

Where was I....O ya, So after some time and a few doses I was feeling Good. My nurse came in around 3:30pm and checked my dilation. In less than an hour I had dilated from 3cm to a full 10!! So my nurse sent for McCoy and the delivery team. At 3:50 I started pushing. Without a sound and without difficulty my son Jeshual Sorren Mitzel was born at 4:12pm. (Ironically my birthday is 4/12/90) He came out with a cough and a cry,the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life!!!. My husband got to cut the umbilical cord, and he was whisked into my arms!!! 
Jeshual was born at 4 pounds 5 ounces and 17 inches long. After a bit of quality time with him and some measurements taken. He was taken from us and rushed to the NICU due to his little stature. With sad/joyous hearts we walked to the room we would inhabit for 2 days....just the 2 of us, my husband and I. The rest of the story to come in my next post....look for "Adventures in the NICU".