Ok... Well, its been a tish bit since i last wrote. I guess I'm due for a new post.
The thing on my mind lately is the idea of being the "Ultimate Super Mom"! This springs from the fact that over half of my facebook are moms who have either (A) Had children for a while (B) Pregnate ladies or (C) making up the majority like me, are the ladies who have recently become New Moms. My whole morning consists of my Facebook serfing and all i read about is, being the perfect mom, or I hope I can be the perfect mom, or she sounds like the perfect mom I wanna be her.
In reality, What is the ULTIMATE SUPER MOM?
Ok. To answer our question lets turn to scripture shall we?
I believe going in cronilogical order we find ourselve starting with,
EVE-The original mother.
In my opinion Eve is one of the more extraordinary mothers of the bible. Think about if for one second, when you think about the person you need to be as a mother, who is the first person you think about? If you had a good upbringing with plenty of love, compassion and yes, discipline, than you look up to your OWN mother. If you were not so fortunate to have the love that you deserved than you think of that person that most symbolized a mother in your life, weather it be another family member, the mom of your best friend, or even the pastors wife, all these women have one thing in commen with you and me, They had others before them to lean from their mistakes. Eve was the mother of all mothers, the Original Mother. She had no one before her that she could look up to and take wisdom from their mistakes. But all in all dispite the eating of the fruit she is what we think to be the perfect image of an Ultimate Super Mom. She raised 2 boys (mind you one is a handful) Cain and Able (down the road Seth and sever other un-named children came to.) When they were sick, when they were puking and teething, she had no one to steer her in the right direction. She had what we all need as mothers, The humblness to seek out the help of God. Now with being the first mom came the first heartache too. Unfortunentally all she could do was still no quite enough when jealousy took one of her beloved away. She was the first mother to have to bury her child. She was the first woman to experience true heartache at the loss of one of the biggest parts of you there will ever be.
Sarah-The oldest mother.
When you hear the name Sarah, a flicker of hope is what comes to mind. Sara gives those mom who want to start this family idea later in the game, the ultimate courage. As we get older our bodies change, well once your old enough you hit a massive change and things just arent as easy as they once were, take childbearing for instance. Stamina is a great tool to have while bringing life into this world, but as you age stamina becomes more and more scarce, but this wasnt the problem for Sarah. Like some women her womb just wasnt ready for housing a child yet. So in her impatients Sarah turns to her handmaiden to become her "Stand in incubator", ignoring Gods word. But God told Abraham that it would be Sarah who would be the mother of the chosen baby.Overhearing this Sarah laughs and was punished by God for doing so. but in the end Sarah shows us that with enough determination, and the proper will of God, that even the Oldest woman can bear a child if God commands it so.
Bathsheba-The mother of the Peaceful
The problem with Bathsheba was just as her name suggests. She was seen by King David taking a bath. Upon this sight David demanded that he have Bathsheba as his own, well knowing perfectly well she belonged to another. Disregarding this he took Bathsheba to his bedroom quarters anyway. Well as nine months suggests a son was born out of their affair. In an attempt to fix his mistake, David sends word to the General of his army to have Bathshebas husband put onto the front lines....alone. David got his wish and her husband was killed, leaving Bathsheba widowed and with Davids child. The story goes on to tell of Nathans accusations against David for what he has done, and than to David's repentance. But we never hear about how this whole ordeal affects Bathsheba. What we can take from Bathsheba's motherhood is Hope. She gives women hope that, regardless of the circumstances surrounding your pregancy and the birth of your child, God can redeem any situation. As we know Bathsheba goes on to give birth to Solomon who, despite the situation surrounding his birth, became know as the most peaceful ruler who's God-given wisdom is legendary.
Jachebed- Mother of Sacrifice
If I could be the producer of the next big Lifetime for Women movie, I would tell the story of Jachebed, Mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. You have to give some credit to the sneakyness of her and her midwives who in an act of disobedience, allowed Moses to be born. When confronted as to why they were not killing the boy babies as commanded they made up a story about how the Hebrew women were, shall we say too "vigorous" and were having babies before they could get to them. With this lie, baby Moses was born. This is why I call Jachebed the Mother of Sacrifice. She took her son, her baby boy, and gave him up to the mercy of God and the river. She is forced by her heart and the knowledge that if found he would be killed, to send him down the Nile river, filled with many dangers, in a basket made from reeds. When he has floated down a ways he is found by the Pharaohs daughter, who against everything she is told takes on the roll of Moses's biological mom. Jachebed shows us that the determination and ingenuity of a desperate and loving mother can result in surprising circumstances.
Finally and who can forget we have,
Mary-Mother of the great I Am
Wanna see the first Pregnancy test at work, read the story of Mary, wanna talk about EPT's or (early pregnancy tests) Mary's was E.A.R.L.Y, and accurate!!!! Angelic visitation definitely says 2 lines to me. But the chosen girl had some obsticles she needed to avoid. For one...she was NOT MARRIED...and in her time unwed pregnacy was looked at a little different. You could be stoned, left in the desert to starve, or be thrown in a hole if found to be unwed and with child. But she was to be the mother of the divine Figt of heaven, but as all mothers know a precious gift such as this comes with lots and lots of work attached. She still had to change the Son of God's diapers, sooth him as he was teething, teach him to crawl than walk, and clean up the scratches he got when he fell down. She cooked his meals and washed his clothes, and did everything any other mother does for their children. But its interesting the places that we see Mother Mary in the Bible. for example, in the temple sending out her Lost Child signal. Im sure that if my child tried to use the excuse i was doing my fathers work i would have grounded him for YEARS. But I think my favorite time we see Mary is at the wedding festival, exausted with her 30yr old son because he wouldnt do that THING with the water ;) When Jesus acts like he is refusing to come through Mary goes around him and tells the servants to get ready to do something for him,and Jesus does the miracle lol :D. And last we see Mary at the Crucifixion. His Disciples scattered, and followers went into hiding, but His Mother stayed when the rest of the world walked away. Mary is such a rich tapesty of real motherhood woven with Lots of Excitement, knitted with years of work, and sown together by one moment of Intense Pain.
In the end all these moms had two things in common, the worked day after day until the day they died to be Psalm 31 women, Some succeeded, others paved the learning experience for those of us who would have tumbled down the cliff along time ago, AND THEY MADE MISTAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT EVEN THE MOTHER OF GOD WAS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! Remember that next time you feel like you are falling short of being "THE ULTIMATE SUPER MOM". You are the Ultimate mom you can be....Only if this is what you strive to be.
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